Don’t Damage Your New Bling!

You want to wear your jewellery anytime, anywhere and always have it looking its best. You also want it to last a lifetime and although diamonds are the hardiest of stones, they can still get damaged with misuse.

Just as you would take care of your favourite dress or pair of shoes you need to take care of your diamond jewellery. 

Diamond means "unbreakable" in ancient Greek, but your diamond and setting can still become damaged. 


Here are a few ways to protect your jewellery.

1. Store it in a jewellery box or pouch:

Storing your diamond ring in a separate jewellery box or pouch will protect it from being scratched or chipped. It will also prevent the diamond from getting tangled with other jewellery pieces.


2. Take it off before doing physical activities: 

While you may want to wear your diamond ring or jewellery as often as possible, some activities are a little too risky for its safety. 

  • Laundry
  • Swimming
  • Gardening
  • Impact sports/Gym
  • Rock climbing
  • Moving furniture
  • Working with power tools
  • Snorkelling and scuba diving


3. Avoid harsh chemicals:

Use our jewellery cleaner to ensure you are cleaning your jewellery the right way.


Although diamonds are forever, they don't always last forever.

Wear and tear is not uncommon for those who wear their rings every day. A gradual way of damaging your diamond ring is by wearing it while washing dishes and clothes, or touching harsh surfaces like hard walls and the number 1 cause is going to the gym. These activities create friction, especially when the diamonds are set close together (i.e, settings). This damage can occur all at once or build up together and damage your ring over time.

To give you absolute peace of mind, we suggest insuring your jewellery on purchase. This safeguards you from any loss, theft, or damage to your jewellery. When you buy a piece of jewellery from Deltora over $5,000, we will gift you the first year of insurance as part of our after-care service, through Q Report Jewellery Insurance (see for more information). To find out more, ask your personal diamond concierge on purchase.